Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter !!!

What a great Easter weekend we had! It was so great to get together with family and have fun.

Tate and Hailey with their cousin all ready for the Easter Egg Hunt at Grandpa and Grandma Pantuso's.

I love this one of Hailey! She's such a beautiful little girl.

Here is Tate trying to fit one more thing in his bucket. There were soooo many fun things for them to find.

Hailey found a purple bunny. If you know Hailey , you know she loves bunnies!

Hailey's bucket filled up quickly , so she decided to just sit down in the dirt as she piled her little treasures in, trying not to lose anything.

They had so much fun together. Luckily we beat the rain !

What a good lookin' kid!

Easter morning arrived and doesn't Hailey have such lovely bed head. She was so excited to look in every single little egg the Easter Bunny left her.

Hailey kept saying "Look mom! " and then she said " But, I didn't get to see the Easter Bunny. Can I go see him at him's house?"

Here is Tate going through his basket.

I had to get some pics of the kids in there Easter outfits, they both looked so cute. Tate has always been very photogenic.

And little Hailey what a darling.

What a wonderful Easter !

1 comment:

  1. Cute Pictures!! Your kids are so cute! I love that dress Hailey has on, That was Hannah's easter dress last year!! It was big on her last year so I was going to have it be her dress this year, and I took it to the dry cleaners to be cleaned and they totally ruined it and shrunk it!! I was so mad!! So we had to get another one! Did you get it last year? Or did you find one this year? I love it!!
